



A Winter's Tale
                       ...and other stories


For a better view, click on an image.

adair chickadee and holly uf.jpg (82954 bytes)
adair feeder watcher.jpg (80626 bytes)
adair house finch first snow uf.jpg (118374 bytes) adair icing up uf.jpg (255982 bytes)
1. Sue deLearie Adair
Chickadee and Holly
mixed media
image: 6 3/4 x 5 1/2"
framed: 14 x 14"
2. Sue deLearie Adair
Feeder Watcher
image: 6 x 6"
framed: 13 x 13"
3. Sue deLearie Adair
House Finch, First Snow
mixed media
image: 6 x 6"
framed: 13 1/2 x 13 1/2"
4. Sue deLearie Adair
Icing Up
image: 5 1/2 x 10 3/4"
framed: 13 x 18 1/2"
adair january downy uf.jpg (105430 bytes) adair snowbird uf.jpg (70475 bytes) adair taking a peek outside uf.jpg (104457 bytes) adair the shelties big aventure uf.jpg (78948 bytes)
5. Sue deLearie Adair
January Downy
mixed media
image: 7 1/4 x 5 1/2"
framed: 14 x 12"
6. Sue deLearie Adair
image: 6 1/2 x 6"
framed: 13 1/2 x 13"
7. Sue deLearie Adair
Taking a Peek Outside
image: 6 1/2 x 5 1/2"
framed: 13 1/2 x 12"
8. Sue deLearie Adair
The Shelties' Big Adventure
mixed media
image: 7 1/2 x 7 1/2"
framed: 15 x 15"
adair titmouse and winter branches uf.jpg (247032 bytes) adair visitor from the north uf.jpg (70004 bytes)
adair winter chippy uf.jpg (77516 bytes) adair winter in the summertime uf.jpg (89067 bytes)
9. Sue deLearie Adair
Titmouse and Winter Branches
image: 6 x 9"
framed: 14 x 17"
10. Sue deLearie Adair
Visitor from the North
mixed media
image: 6 1/4 x 6 1/4"
framed: 20 x 20"
11. Sue deLearie Adair
Winter Chippy
mixed media
image: 6 3/4 x 4 3/4"
framed: 13 1/2 x 11 1/2"
12. Sue deLearie Adair
Winter in the Suumertime
image: 9 x 6"
framed: 16 1/2 x 13 1/2"
adair a most unusual woodpecker uf.jpg (128261 bytes) adair day dreaming night heron uf.jpg (82566 bytes)
adair fox kit uf.jpg (65490 bytes)
adair great northern diver uf.jpg (73721 bytes)
13. Sue deLearie Adair
A Most Unusual Woodpecker
image: 7 x 6 1/2"
framed: 14 1/2 x 14"
14. Sue deLearie Adair
Day- dreaming Night Heron
image: 11 1/2 x 9 1/2"
framed: 19 x 17"
15. Sue deLearie Adair
Fox Kit
image: 9 x 5"
framed: 16 x 12"
16. Sue deLearie Adair
Great Northern Diver
image: 20 x 15"
framed: 29 x 24"
adair karner blue uf.jpg (135868 bytes) adair talkative uf.jpg (86288 bytes) adair wheres the fish uf.jpg (56337 bytes)
lalingo imperial gaze fr.jpg (625418 bytes)
17. Sue deLearie Adair
Karner Blue
mixed media
image: 7 1/4 x 7 1/4"
framed: 14 1/2 x 14 1/2"
18. Sue deLearie Adair
mixed media
image: 9 x 7"
framed: 16 1/2 x 14 1/2"
19. Sue delearie Adair
Where's the Fish?
image: 14 3/4 x 6 3/4"
framed: 23 x 15"
20. Judy Lalingo
Imperial Gaze
oil on panel
image: 8 x 10"
framed: 14 1/2 x 16 1/2"
lalingo wild as the wind.jpg (724164 bytes) lalingo stinkeye.jpg (530864 bytes) lalingo the water walker.jpg (571109 bytes) lalingo canada cruise fr.jpg (504882 bytes)
21. Judy Lalingo
Wild as the Wind
oil on panel
image: 11 x 14"
framed: 17 1/2 x 20 1/2"
22. Judy Lalingo
Stink Eye!
oil on panel
image: 9 x 12"
framed: 14 1/2 x 17 1/2"
23. Judy Lalingo
The Water Walker
oil on linen panel
image: 9 x 12"
framed: 15 1/2 x 18 1/2"
24. Judy Lalingo
Canada Cruise
oil on canvas panel
image: 4 x 8"
framed: 8 1/2 x 12 1/2"
lalingo resident wren.jpg (446236 bytes) lalingo river trail reflections.jpg (323825 bytes) lalingo harford fields fr.jpg (488097 bytes) lalingo wild geese rising.jpg (779347 bytes)
25. Judy Lalingo
Resident Wren
oil on canvas panel
image: 6 x 6"
framed: 10 1/2 x 10 1/2"
26. Judy Lalingo
River Trail Reflections
oil on linen panel
image: 6 x 12"
framed: 12 1/2 x 18 1/2"
27. Judy Lalingo
Harford Fields
oil on panel
image: 5 x 7"
framed: 9 1/2 x 11 1/2"
28. Judy Lalingo
Wild Geese Rising
oil on linen panel
image: 16 x 20"
framed: 22 x 26"
lalingo winter woods.jpg (377718 bytes) lalingo quiet hour.jpg (669627 bytes) lalingo fresh snow.jpg (654215 bytes) lalingo moon flirt.jpg (248120 bytes)
29. Judy Lalingo
Winter Woods
oil on linen panel
image: 4 x 8"
framed: 8 1/2 x 12 1/2"
30. Judy Lalingo
Quiet Hour
oil on linen panel
image: 9 x 12"
framed: 15 1/2 x 18 1/2"
31. Judy Lalingo
Fresh Snow
oil on linen panel
image: 10 x 8"
framed: 16 x 14"
32. Judy Lalingo
Moon Flirt
acrylic on claybord panel
image: 5 x 7"
framed: 9 1/2 x 11 1/2"
lalingo hold still fr.jpg (555830 bytes) lalingo nap.jpg (361317 bytes)
rossin brilliance on a dreary day fr.jpg (265687 bytes)
rossin early thaw fr.jpg (199896 bytes)
33. Judy Lalingo
Hold Still
oil on linen panel
image: 6 x 8"
framed: 12 x 14"
34. Judy Lalingo
oil on linen panel
image: 8 x 6"
framed: 12 1/2 x 10 1/2"
35. Linda Rossin
Brilliance on a Dreary Day
acrylic on canvas
image: 7 x 17"
framed: 12 x 22"
36. Linda Rossin
Early Thaw
oil on canvas
image: 9 x 12"
framed: 16 x 19"
rossin lady in white fr.jpg (78030 bytes) rossin movement below fr.jpg (142762 bytes) rossin winter dunes fr.jpg (170296 bytes) rossin winter visitors fr.jpg (192455 bytes)
37. Linda Rossin
Lady in White
oil on canvas
image: 9 x 6"
framed: 11 3/4 x 9 3/4"
38. Linda Rossin
Movement Below
oil on gessobord
image: 9 x 12"
framed: 15 x 18"
39. Linda Rossin
Winter Dunes
oil on canvas
image: 9 x 12" 
framed: 15 x 18"
40. Linda Rossin
Winter Visitors
oil on canvas
image: 8 x 10"
framed: 11 3/4 x 13 3/4"

All images (c) the artist.
All rights reserved.
For more information, or to purchase, call us at 610- 974- 9099
or email us at info@thesnowgoosegallery.com
All sales are final.